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Tune up and cool down with our High-Performance A/C Tune-up. Valued at $200 and offered at no cost to you, this state-of-the-art service helps boost your A/C’s performance while improving cooling output by up to 25 percent. Take advantage of this comprehensive look into your HVAC system and receive customized recommendations to improve your A/C’s efficiency and performance.

  • Measure indoor airflow and correct if needed
  • Inspect filter and change or clean if dirty*
  • Clean outdoor condenser coils
  • Inspect indoor coil and blower
  • Measure refrigerant charge**

*Filter must be provided by or paid for by the customer.
**Provide an estimate for additional refrigerant if needed.


  • Improve cooling output and performance by up to 25 percent
  • Boost comfort and humidity control
  • Reduce wear and tear on your A/C
  • Longer equipment life

Ready to be cool?

Complete the registration form to see if you qualify for a no-cost High-Performance A/C Tune-up.

Eligibility is limited to residential customers in single-family homes in the CPS Energy service territory with currently operational central air conditioners or heat pumps that are at least one year old. Non-ducted mini-splits and window A/C units are not eligible. Customers who have received a High-Performance Tune-up in the past five years are not eligible. 

Please note: The minimum required outdoor temperature to perform a High-Performance A/C Tune-up is 55 degrees. Therefore, tune-up appointments from late fall through early spring may be limited due to weather conditions. 

During the tune-up, the technician may identify repairs that need attention to improve your A/C's efficiency and performance. There may be additional costs associated with those repairs, and you are not obligated to make any additional repairs. CPS Energy encourages customers to seek multiple quotes before making major repairs and is not responsible for any additional costs.